Research Projects

Gender Equals Future: 011 for IT

The Gender Equals Future project, led by the University of Namur and conducted in collaboration with Interface3.Namur and Form@Nam, is part of the Woman In Digital plan of the SPF Economie. More specifically, it studies the influence of teaching methods and environmental factors on girls and women in STEM disciplines and ICT programs. The final objective is to formulate suggestions and recommendations for educational institutions in order to foster access and retention of women in STEM disciplines and promote gender equality.

Gender Equals Future: 011 for IT

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(2024). Exploiting Semantic Search and Object-Oriented Programming to Ease Multimodal Interface Development. Companion of the 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS Companion ‘24).


(2024). Towards LLM-Generated Code Tours for Onboarding. Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on NL-based Software Engineering (NLBSE ‘24).

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(2024). Towards Feature-based ML-enabled Behaviour Location. Proceedings of the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2024).

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