LLM-explained mutation testing reports for teaching software testing

Example of LLM-based report

The widespread digitalization of society and the increasing complexity of software make it essential to develop high-quality software testing suites. In recent years, several techniques for learning software testing have been developed, including techniques based on mutation testing. At the same time, the recent performance of language models in both text comprehension and generation, as well as code generation, makes them potential candidates for assisting students in learning how to develop tests. To confirm this, an experiment was carried out with students with little experience in software testing, comparing the results obtained by some students using a report from a classic mutation testing tool and a report augmented with hints generated by a language model. The results seem promising since the augmented reports improved the mutation score and mutant coverage within the group more generally than the other reports. In addition, the augmented reports seem to have been most effective in testing methods for modifying and retrieving private variable values.

Antoine Piras
Msc Student