Using the Language Server Protocol to create a mobile, ergonomic code editor

Software Architecture

This master thesis investigates how the Language Server Protocol (LSP) can be used to develop a nomad and ergonomic code editor. Mobile devices popularity has significantly increased in the past decade, strengthening the transformation of desktop solutions to mobile ones. However, code editing activities, traditionally carried out on a computer, have not yet found real alternatives to provide a suitable development environment and allow multilanguage support on mobile devices. Previous works focus on finding interaction solution to allow better code editing productivity, mainly adapting the code editor to one single programming language. By integrating the use of language servers through the LSP, we develop new design and interaction solutions to allow multilanguage support in a single mobile code editor. In this thesis, we present a prototype code editor combining interaction solutions found in the literature with LSP functionalities and evaluate it in terms of productivity and usability. This work aims to provide an alternative solution to the traditional desktop development environment on mobile devices, addressing the technological shifts and transforming the way developers may be coding in the future.

Internship done in the SNAIL team of the University of Namur.

Simon Loir
Msc Student
Johan Rochet
Msc Student