SOFTER 2021 in Namur

1st edition of the Greater Region Software Engineering Research Days

Last week was the first edition of the Greater Region Software Engineering Research Days (SOFTER), organised in Namur. It was the occasion for researchers from the Serval team of the SnT, University of Luxembourg ,and researchers from the VERTIGO and SNAIL teams of the Namur Digital Institute (NaDI), University of Namur, to meet and discuss during two days around testing and verification, machine learning robustness, architecture quality assurance, code analysis, and machine learning for industry 4.0. The seminar finished with a presentation of recent and new research directions in machine learning for financial technology. The seminar featured a brainstorming session, and researchers involved in a session collectively prepared a joint presentation to introduce the topic to other attendees and show how their research contribute to advance the area, contributing to a successful and highly interactive first edition of SOFTER!

Xavier Devroey
Xavier Devroey
Assistant Professor of Software Testing

My research goal is to to ease software testing by exploring new paths to achieve a high level of automation for test case design, generation, selection, and prioritization. My main research interests include search-based and model-based software testing, test suite augmentation, DevOps, and variability-intensive systems.