Search-Based Software Testing

Improving automated unit test generation for machine learning libraries using structured input data

The field of automated test case generation has grown considerably in recent years to reduce software testing costs and find bugs. However, the techniques for automatically generating test cases for machine learning libraries still produce low-quality tests and papers on the subject tend to work in Java, whereas the machine learning community tends to work in Python.

JUGE: An infrastructure for benchmarking Java unit test generators

Researchers and practitioners have designed and implemented various automated test case generators to support effective software testing. Such generators exist for various languages (e.g., Java, C#, or Python) and various platforms (e.g., desktop, …

Automated Test Case Generation and Continuous Integration

Generating Class-Level Integration Tests Using Call Site Information

Search-based approaches have been used in the literature to automate the process of creating unit test cases. However, related work has shown that generated tests with high code coverage could be ineffective, i.e., they may not detect all faults or …

Basic block coverage for search-based unit testing and crash reproduction

Search-based techniques have been widely used for white-box test generation. Many of these approaches rely on the approach level and branch distance heuristics to guide the search process and generate test cases with high line and branch coverage. …

Basic Block Coverage for Unit Test Generation at the SBST 2022 Tool Competition

Basic Block Coverage (BBC) is a secondary objective for search- based unit test generation techniques relying on the approach level and branch distance to drive the search process. Unlike the approach level and branch distance, which considers only …

JCrashPack2.0: Search-based crash reproduction hardness analysis

This master thesis project, revisits the links between search-based crash reproduction and software quality metrics to assess the hardness of search-based crash reproducing test case generation.

Crash reproduction difficulty, an initial assessment

This study presents the initial step towards a thorough analysis of the difficulty to reproduce a crash using search-based crash reproduction. Traditionally, code size and complexity are considered representative indicators of the difficulty for …