Test Case Generation

Improving DevX for test case generation using LLM

The goal of the thesis is to explore how LLMs and Retrieve Augment Generate (RAG) approaches can be leveraged to enhance automated test case generation in IntelliJ. The internship is done at JetBrains Amsterdam.

JUGE: An infrastructure for benchmarking Java unit test generators

Researchers and practitioners have designed and implemented various automated test case generators to support effective software testing. Such generators exist for various languages (e.g., Java, C#, or Python) and various platforms (e.g., desktop, …

Towards Automated Testing for Simple Programming Exercises

Automated feedback and grading platforms can require substantial effort when encoding new programming exercises for first-year students. Such exercises are usually simple but require defining several test cases to ensure their functional correctness. …

Génération de tests unitaires pour programmes Python

L’application de tests automatiques au code soumis par les étudiants sur une plateforme de correction automatique est un outil utile pour le corps enseignant. Il permet de fournir de meilleurs retours, sur plus d’exercices, créés plus rapidement.