Shonan seminar: DevOps for Cyber-physical Systems

Last November 2023, I took part in the Shonan seminar on the use of DevOps approaches for cyber-physical systems. It was an intense but interesting week, with 30 researchers from Japan, America and Europe, experts in software engineering, DevOps approaches and cyber-physical systems. In addition to the connections between research teams and future collaborations, the seminar helped to define a common vision of what a DevOps approach for cyber-physical systems is. This vision will be embodied in a book, to be written in the months following the seminar.

Xavier Devroey
Xavier Devroey
Assistant Professor of Software Testing

My research goal is to to ease software testing by exploring new paths to achieve a high level of automation for test case design, generation, selection, and prioritization. My main research interests include search-based and model-based software testing, test suite augmentation, DevOps, and variability-intensive systems.
